Non-standard services

Prices of non-standard services of the transmission system operator are determined by the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency, pursuant to the Methodology for determining the price of non-standard services for gas transmission, gas distribution, gas storage, receipt and delivery of liquified natural gas and the public service of gas supply ("Official gazette", No. 48/18, 25/19, 134/21; Methodology).

Pursuant to Article 6 and Article 10 para 2 of the Methodology, on 20 December 2021 the Agency adopted the Decision on the price list of non-stadard services of the transmission system operator ("Official Gazette" No. 108/22), determining the prices of non-standard services for the period 1.10.2022. - 2025.
The Decision on the price list of non-standard services enters into force on 1 October 2022.
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Non-standard services