Interruptions and restrictions due to works on the transmission system

Planned works that may cause suspension and / or restriction of transmission system capacity use are published.
Annual maintenance plan 2025.
Planned works that will have an impact on the transmission system capacity use are published at the end of the current calendar year for the following year in the Annual transmission system maintenance plan. The announcement contains information on the month for which the works have been planned, duration of works, location and the impact they may have on the capacity use.
Monthly maintenance plan 2025.
The date of planned works and duration of suspension and/or restriction are published 42 days before the works in the Monthly plan of capacity use suspensions and restrictions.

The shippers affected by these capacity use suspensions and/or restrictions are to be contacted directly.

You can send inquiries regarding published interruptions and restrictions due to works on the transmission system on e-mail address

Archive of maintenance plan 2025.