About Us
General Information
Company Profile
Plinacro Group
Plinacro Ltd.
Podzemno skladište plina d.o.o. (Underground gas storage Ltd.)
Mission, Vision and Goals
Managerial structure
Assembly, Supervisory Board
Board and Management
Transmission System Management
Development and Investment Division
Finance and Accounting Division
Information Security, General and Protection Affairs Division
Legal and Personnel Department
Procurement Department
Gas Transmission Division
History of Gas Transmission Activity in Croatia
History of Plinacro
Quality Managment System
Human Resources
Important Contacts
Business Activities
Financial Indicators
Total Income
Total Charges
Gross Profit
Net Profit
Annual Reports
Business Report for Plinacro Ltd
Business Report for Plinacro Group
Independent Auditor's Report for Plinacro Ltd
Independent Auditor's Report for Plinacro Group
The Ten-Year Development Plan of the Gas Transmission System in the Republic of Croatia
International Activities
Projects of Mutual Interest (PMI)
NPOO.C7.1.I3.01.0001 Strengthening the gas infrastructure
Zlobin – Bosiljevo
Bosiljevo – Sisak
Kozarac – Sisak
Zabok – Lučko
For Users
Transmission system
Description of the transmission system
Interactive Map of the Transmission System
Natural gas
Safety measures
Connection to the transmission system
Information for users
Forecasting daily gas off-take
Market Demand Survey
Network Data Access
Transmission System Access and Use
Virtual Trading Point
Natural Gas Quality
Transparency - Regulation 2024/1789
Interruptions and restrictions due to works on the transmission system
Services and prices of services
Services provided by the transmission system operator
Publications according to Chapter VIII. of Regulation (EU) 2017/460 - Article 29 and Article 30
Price of the gas transmission service
Tariff items and calculator
Legal documentation
Consultation with the Interested Public
Information for balacing
Estimate of total imbalance at the end of gas day
Consumption of distribution systems
Covenant of Integrity
Register of Contracts on Public Procurement
Information on Procedures of “Procurement of Lesser Value to Which the PPA is not Applied“
Information on Public Procurement Procedures
Review of Concluded Contracts of "Procurement of Lesser Value to Which the PPA is not Applied"
Review of Concluded Contracts on Public Procurement and their Execution
Social Responsibility
Plinacro's Corporate Responsibility
Environmental Protection in Plinacro
Personal data protection
Employee Care
Health and Safety
Investing in Knowledge
Anti-Corruption Programme
Committee on Ethics
Committee on Irregularities
Information Officer
Donations and Sponsorships
List of Donations and Sponsorships
About Us
General Information
Company Profile
Plinacro Group
Plinacro Ltd.
Podzemno skladište plina d.o.o. (Underground gas storage Ltd.)
Mission, Vision and Goals
Managerial structure
Assembly, Supervisory Board
Board and Management
Transmission System Management
Development and Investment Division
Finance and Accounting Division
Information Security, General and Protection Affairs Division
Legal and Personnel Department
Procurement Department
Gas Transmission Division
History of Gas Transmission Activity in Croatia
History of Plinacro
Quality Managment System
Human Resources
Important Contacts
Business Activities
Financial Indicators
Total Income
Total Charges
Gross Profit
Net Profit
Annual Reports
Business Report for Plinacro Ltd
Business Report for Plinacro Group
Independent Auditor's Report for Plinacro Ltd
Independent Auditor's Report for Plinacro Group
The Ten-Year Development Plan of the Gas Transmission System in the Republic of Croatia
International Activities
Projects of Mutual Interest (PMI)
NPOO.C7.1.I3.01.0001 Strengthening the gas infrastructure
Zlobin – Bosiljevo
Bosiljevo – Sisak
Kozarac – Sisak
Zabok – Lučko
For Users
Transmission system
Description of the transmission system
Interactive Map of the Transmission System
Natural gas
Safety measures
Connection to the transmission system
Information for users
Forecasting daily gas off-take
Market Demand Survey
Network Data Access
Transmission System Access and Use
Virtual Trading Point
Natural Gas Quality
Transparency - Regulation 2024/1789
Interruptions and restrictions due to works on the transmission system
Services and prices of services
Services provided by the transmission system operator
Publications according to Chapter VIII. of Regulation (EU) 2017/460 - Article 29 and Article 30
Price of the gas transmission service
Tariff items and calculator
Legal documentation
Consultation with the Interested Public
Information for balacing
Estimate of total imbalance at the end of gas day
Consumption of distribution systems
Covenant of Integrity
Register of Contracts on Public Procurement
Information on Procedures of “Procurement of Lesser Value to Which the PPA is not Applied“
Information on Public Procurement Procedures
Review of Concluded Contracts of "Procurement of Lesser Value to Which the PPA is not Applied"
Review of Concluded Contracts on Public Procurement and their Execution
Social Responsibility
Plinacro's Corporate Responsibility
Environmental Protection in Plinacro
Personal data protection
Employee Care
Health and Safety
Investing in Knowledge
Anti-Corruption Programme
Committee on Ethics
Committee on Irregularities
Information Officer
Donations and Sponsorships
List of Donations and Sponsorships
Enter Term
Natural gas
Natural gas is a mixture of various hydrocarbons, primarily of methane (CH4) (more than 90%). Other hydrocarbons concentration is lower (ethane, propane, butane and higher molecular weight hydrocarbon impurities). Natural gas also contains small amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2), while sometimes one can find impurities of helium, hydrogen sulphide, argon, hydrogen, mercury and other vapours. The origin, type and content of these impurities in natural gas depend on the type of source rock, on the impact of igneous or hydrothermal processes in lithosphere and on natural gas migration processes.
Underground natural gas deposits have been identified at the depths from several meters to 5 thousand meters, sometimes under the pressure above 300 bar, and temperatures above 180°C, depending on the deposit depth.
Gas deposits in permeable rock beds (in which cavities gas can be located), surrounded by impermeable beds (so they prevent gas migration and hold it “trapped” in permeable rock beds). It is most commonly found as gas cap in oil deposits, however, clear gas fields without oil presence are not rare.
Natural gas is widely spread in sedimentary rocks, and can be found in eruptive rocks. It can be traced in rocks formed in all geological periods, however, it can be found more frequently and in larger volumes in rocks from the period of more intensive life on the earth (Cambrian period – Ordovician period, more than 500 million years ago).
The formation of natural gas and its accumulations has not yet been definitely established. One of the theories is the organic theory of natural gas formation. This theory is based on the identified organic materials in natural gas, necessary for hydrocarbons formation, and the explained chemical processes of organic matter maturation and hydrocarbons formation. However, hydrocarbons, particularly methane, have been traced deep in granite massifs with no trace of organic material, so one should not reject the inorganic theory of natural gas formation.
Long before our era, the Chinese used natural gas to light their temples bringing natural gas by bamboo pipes, so it is therefore the first example of organised natural gas production and transport. In the modern time, the first example of natural gas use was by the end of 19th ct in the USA – in Fredonia (New York State) for heating apartments. The wider use started in 1884, when natural gas was brought to Pittsburgh by a 23 km long gas pipeline, where it was used for lighting, heating and thermal processes.
Until 1950 the USA was almost the only natural gas producer, then came Russia, Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Norway, Germany, Romania, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, and lately the Middle East countries.
Beside coal, natural gas is the only primary form of energy which can be used directly. It burns providing greater efficiency than other fuels, so its use in households has been increasing, for heating and cooling, in technological processes, for the production of thermal and electric energy, and as a raw material in chemical industry, primarily petrochemical industry.
Natural gas is transported in gaseous state by pipelines, or liquefied in special vessels for liquefied natural gas; rarely in special thermo-insulated tanks by rail or road traffic.
In our region natural gas was discovered in 1917 in Bujavica. In 1918 the use of natural gas for lighting started, while its use in industry started in 1926. More organised exploration of natural gas started after the World War II. The discovered reservoirs provided conditions to construct the first main gas pipeline from Janja Lipa to Zagreb in 1954. Further discovery of gas fields was accompanied by the construction of the main gas pipelines network up to the current length of 2662 km
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Natural gas
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Connection to the transmission system
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Tariff Items and Tariff Calculators
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Annual Reports
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Transmission System Access and Use
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NPOO.C7.1.I3.01.0001 Strengthening the gas infrastructure