Gas Quality

Natural gas quality – data publishing
In compliance with the amendments to the Network Code as of 1 October 2019 the system of monitoring gas quality by chromatographs is in use. The method of publishing the data on gas quality has also been changed.
In compliance with the Network Code of the transmission system (MPTS) as of 1 October 2019 Plinacro publishes the following information on the gas quality monitoring system and on the determined gas quality:

Document Rules for the use of the data on gas quality and calorific values for the calculation of the energy of delivered gas in compliance with art. 106 paragraph (5) contains the following:
  1. list of all sampling locations,
  2. list of all connections with associated primary and replacement relevant sampling locations,
  3. rules for the use of the data on gas quality and calorific values for the calculation of the energy of delivered gas, determined at sampling locations.
The data on the average daily net calorific value for the previous gas day for each transmission system exit which is not a part of a joint exit and as well as quantitatively weighted mean daily net calorific value for each joint transmission system exit (Art. 42 para (4), (6)a) and (7)a)) Plinacro publishes via public web application of the SUKAP information system. For the data on calorific gas values select the Gas composition tab on the interface and then the type of relevant location and the entry/exit on the transmission system.
The data on the quantitatively weighted mean daily net calorific value for two half-monthly periods and a monthly period (entire month), for each transmission system exit which is not a part of a joint exit and for each joint transmission system exit (Art. 42 para (5), (6) b), c) and d) and (7) b), c) and d)).

Mjesec I polumjesečna objavljeno II polumjesečna objavljeno Cijeli mjesec objavljeno
 listopad 06.11.2019. 06.11.2019. 06.11.2019.
 studeni  04.12.2019.  04.12.2019.  04.12.2019.
 prosinac 03.01.2020. 03.01.2020. 03.01.2020.
siječanj 05.02.2020. 05.02.2020. 05.02.2020.
veljača 03.03.2020. 03.03.2020. 03.03.2020.
ožujak 03.04.2020. 03.04.2020. 03.04.2020.
travanj 04.05.2020. 04.05.2020. 04.05.2020.
svibanj 03.06.2020. 03.06.2020. 03.06.2020.

Mean daily values of determined gas quality parameters, for all sampling locations stated in the list of sampling locations (Art. 42 para (3)).
The Excel document for each month is published after the expiry of the first half-monthly period and contains temporary data for the first 15 days of that month, and after the expiry of the entire month it is updated with the data for the entire month:

Mjesec Datoteka Objavljeno
listopad 06.11.2019.
studeni  04.12.2019.
prosinac 03.01.2020.
siječanj 05.02.2020.
veljača 03.03.2020.
ožujak 03.04.2020.
travanj 04.05.2020.
svibanj 03.06.2020.


Information on gas quality published until 1 October 2019 can be found in Records.

Calorific values for nominations